4.5.05 | More Flower Bollocks!
Oops! I must apologize for not updating in several days. Had Bubonic Plague or something. All my skin turned a vicious black and then burst open, spewing my liquefied innards forth in a vivid red and purple fountain of stench and corruption.
The funerals next week.
Open casket, obviously!
Condolences are allowed in the form of Large cheques made payable to The Saturnynes Get-Rich-Quick-Via-The-Gullible-Scheme aka TSGRQVTGS for short. Hee!
So until one of my many clones can grow itself enough to take over (sometime next week), this post and additional replies will be via the Redoubtable medium, Madame Cobweb
I have instructed pretty foxglove pics to be presented to you, as promised to the awesome Jessie, with a wave also to B!- Who inspired this and recent flower pics.
Before i passed away so dramatically, i was practising Sepia toning my B and W pics and even better, selenium toning... all via Adobes lovely Photoshop. If anyone would like to know how to do this to their pics, drop me a line and i'll reveal all with some handy dandy simple instructions. Whoop!
The results you can see below... so much better than simple B and W, i think you'll agree. I think you'll agree because i Still know where you all live. Grr!
But which one looks best?
Lovely Lovely Foxgloves
Da Chrysanthem'mmmmmmm (sneaked this one in afterwards)
Lovely Lovely Foxglove Loveliness!
Next up... weirdness!
Weirdness for all!
I also threw in some Chrysanthem'mmmmmmm loveliness, too!
eew, what a horrible death.
i haven't got any money to send, but i sure will miss you.
i like the second of the foxgloves pics. and the chrysanthemum is absolutely gorgeous...a burst of flowery delight!
lovely photos!!
i agree, sepia is fantastic. i photoshopped a pic for my dad using sepia very recently, perhaps i should blog it...
wow! flowers and photography - two of my very favorites joined exceptionally well together. beautiful job sat - as usual... :)
the bubonic plague is deathly afraid of azaleas. tis a fact.
Those are lovely funeral arrangements! Glad to hear you're blogging even through your recent demise. THATS dedication, people.
Whens the weirdness coming? When when?
Again nice pics. I feel very calm...
verrryyyy caaaallllmmmmm
Lovely! The foxgloves look like so many mouths hanging open. Thanks for the dedication!
Wow, they are just beautiful!
Now you've got me all in the artsy mood to photograph. Drat you!
an' did you bottle the pus so you could sell it...?!
My mate has a holistic therapy business that involves platinum foot detoxing and hopi ear candles, and they keep the deposits in little glass vials to show to propsective customers. You can sniff'em when they ain't looking...
{sneaks in from the shadows}
I'm loving your flower pictures, dear sir. They're a delight.
And I very much hope your bubonic plague hasn't passed onto me via that nifty email you sent.
That really would have been crafty.
Too crafty.
{sends you kisses & slides back into the shadows}
Yep, i'm fucking awesome. I admit it. I've been hiding it for so very long but it's time to come out and admit to long years of closet awesomeness plus a secret perversion for fabulous.
Teufel: i love flowers for their brief glimmerings. Their life. Their fragility.
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