14.5.05 | ...4...Kitten Frenzy
ah... kittens
Sooo cute.
Fookin' Miew!
14.5.05 | ...4...Kitten Frenzy
*horrified expression graces face*
Kitten huffing! Lmao.
you like your pussy...cats.
Yeah, but Lizzy... did ya see the other links from there? THey're equally cool.
Transience! Why i'm sure i have no idea what you mean... no idea at all...
*grins lecherously*
hehehehehe! Mebbe I'm just a sad old lecherous girl, but for some reason it was the Britney one that made me laugh hardest...and my other half, who had to come see what was making the racket.
Mind, huffing was pretty fun as well...I became a tad obsessed...
i got 2,343 on the kitty cannon!
Whoo more kittie links for me! I doff my cap.
But Teufel, of course they looked great! But we musn't tell Madeline that i said that or it will spoil my ruse to make her think they're less desirable. And there's nothing more frustrating than desiring what we can't have.
Alas though, they wouldn't suit me. Oh the disappoinrment!
all the links were great!!
thanks for reminding me how much i love rathergood.com- i hadn't been there in a while.
The kitty gun was fun. I managed to get a highscore of 1786 ft, but also one just 13 ft. Figures.
You should also check out http://www.bonsaikitten.com/
Kitten huffing, lmao
I liked the kitty cannon and the singing kittens best though. Cracked me up.
Onan- Oh i checked out bonsai kitties, but thought they just weren't "entertaining" enough. Apart from hair tearing frenzy of gullible do-gooders who occasionally try an' get the site banned... oh dear... i weep with laughter just thinking about them.
Pshaw! 1,786 is nothing! THass like, still a million behind mine!
Yeah them singing kittens are great Broomy!
waaaaay too much distraction.
I'm supposed to be doing work, dammit!
Anyone found the hidden link yet, then?
You know nothing can be hid from me.
There is something wonderfully stress reducing about shooting that kitten skywards..
Erm... you probably don't want to try and replicate this
I agree that it is nowhere near your brilliance, but you have to admit that it does take a certain skill to only score 13 ft.
And yes, you would be surprised how upset some of my friends got when I sent them a link to that site.
I did find the secret hidden linkiness thingy yesterday, but the site wasn't working. Or it could have been my computer. Or just me.
ono! i've just realized that i didn't include you in my updated links, Teufel.
Must make a note of that... i knew i'd forget someone! Mind like a sieve... no make that: mind like a colander...
Heh! "Fookin' Mew!" a favourite of mine, that!
When it reaches zero, i get reborn or something. Like jesus... but more like Lazarus really... or someone who was just having a nap.
It's great being dead! Ye get to meet all these weird peeps... Also... ye don't have to pay taxes. More people should die, i think...
Hahahah....this was funny!
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